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Go: Growing From One to the World (Jn 6:51) Chris Altrock, John Chen, David Ralston, Lawana Maxwell – May 8, 2016

20160508- Go: Growing From One To The World

The World

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist. His research is foundational for the way we understand how humans grow up. I majored in psychology in college and studied Piaget. He believed that we mature through four stages. I want to quickly describe those four stages. I want to just focus on one aspect of those stages – the way the children slowly move from just being concerned about themselves to also being concerned about others in the world around them.Go: Growing From One to the World (Jn 6:51) Chris Altrock, John Chen, David Ralston, Lawana Maxwell – May 8, 2016

Monday Morning Faith: Flourishing in the Hot Zone (Jer. 17:5-8) Chris Altrock – 11/9/14

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In the 1990’s, an author named Richard Preston wrote a book entitled Hot Zone.  It was a based-on-true-life story that focused on viruses like Ebola. The book was one of the first popular-level novels to cover the impact of Ebola. It was subtitled: “The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus.”

The book was called Hot Zone because that term is often used in the medical world. It describes an area where there are biological dangers.

And unfortunately, we’ve seen a massive reoccurrence of that “hot zone” in the past few weeks. In the latest outbreak, there have been over 13,000 cases of Ebola and almost 5,000 deaths in places like Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.[1] The 2014 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history.[2] It’s a hot zone that terrifies those of us who see it from a distance. And it is a hot zone that is tormenting those caught up in it.Monday Morning Faith: Flourishing in the Hot Zone (Jer. 17:5-8) Chris Altrock – 11/9/14

Monday Morning Faith: The Parade of Orphans (Ps. 68) Chris Altrock – 11/2/14

MondayMorningFaith_title 2I was once in a parade.

I’ve watched many parades. But one time I was actually in a parade. It was an experience I will never forget.

As I have shared with you before, I grew up in a small rural town called Cloudcroft. When I was a boy, there were no parades in Cloudcroft. They now have a Christmas parade and a Fourth of July parade. They even have an Outhouse race. But when I was a child, they had no parades. I lived in town without parades.

Can you imagine a world with no parades? Monday Morning Faith: The Parade of Orphans (Ps. 68) Chris Altrock – 11/2/14

Circles and Rows: A Call For Corporate Worship (Psalm 95) Chris Altrock 9/7/14


When I was a college student at New Mexico State University, I also worked as an intern in a campus ministry. One summer our campus minister had to leave town for a couple of weeks.  He left me in charge. Gave me the keys to his office. Told me to run the show. I loved it. I could do what I wanted.

But I didn’t realize that with great power….that’s right, comes great responsibility. Being in charge can be fun. But it can also be frustrating. Like the day I had to talk to two college students about worship. Both of them had stopped attending our church’s worship services. And with the campus minister out, it was up to me to address the infraction. The conversation was dismal. This was back in the late 1980’s. But even then there were seeds of the now popular “give me Jesus but not the church” kind of mentality. Both college students explained that they loved God. Read Scripture. Prayed. But they didn’t see the big deal about attending worship services. So they stopped coming. And my conversation did nothing to change their minds.Circles and Rows: A Call For Corporate Worship (Psalm 95) Chris Altrock 9/7/14