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Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15

20150419- Series Slide


Tyler Edwards is the author of a book called Zombie Church. He warns that too many churches are like zombies – undead; not truly alive; consuming everything and contributing nothing. The cure for zombie churches, he proposes, is love. You’ve got to restart the heart.

At one point he realized his own church was a zombie church. It was contributing nothing to the people and neighborhoods around it. It needed to restart its heart. It needed to rediscover how to love those nearby. Edwards wrote this helpful line:Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15

Uncommon: Reading Wrong (Luke 14:1-6 ESV) Chris Altrock – 4/12/15


I recall one year when I was a student at Harding School of Theology. The school hosted an annual seminar on a biblical topic. That particular year the topic was “grace, faith and works.” The seminar focused on the tension between Scriptures that talk about being saved by grace through faith—saved by nothing that we do, and Scriptures that stress the importance of putting your faith to work. Several faculty members from HST were invited to participate. In addition, a leader from another local school participated. Each speaker had an assigned topic and time.

I remember when the local school leader came to the stage to deliver his presentation. Instead of speaking on his assigned topic, he verbally attacked one of the other presenters for thirty minutes. He showed slide after slide of things the other presenter had written in publications, and did his best to show how those writings were blasphemous and sinful. In reality, they were not.Uncommon: Reading Wrong (Luke 14:1-6 ESV) Chris Altrock – 4/12/15

Flux: New Heart (Jer. 31:31-34) Chris Altrock – 2/15/15


There was once a couple who had been married for 60 years [David Daniels, Preaching Today]. Throughout their life they had shared everything. They loved each other deeply. They had not kept any secrets from one another, except for a small shoebox that the wife kept in the top shelf of her closet. When they got married, she put the box there and asked her husband never to look inside of it and never to ask questions about its contents. For 60 years the man honored his wife’s request. In fact, he forgot about the box until a day when his wife grew gravely ill, and the doctors were sure she had no way of recovering. So the man, putting his wife’s affairs into order, remembered that box in the top of her closet, got it down, and brought it to her at the hospital. He asked her if perhaps now they might be able to open it. She agreed. They opened the box, and inside were two crocheted dolls and a roll of money that totaled $95,000. The man was astonished.Flux: New Heart (Jer. 31:31-34) Chris Altrock – 2/15/15