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The Truth About Life: Cloudy Forecast (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 6/7/15

20150510- Series Title

A British scholar recently interviewed 1,000 young women between the ages of 13 and 20. [i]  She summarizes the result of those surveys with one word. Do you know what that word is? What one word describes young women in the U. S. and the U.K? It’s the word “anxious.”

The scholar, Noreena Hertz, says that this generation of young women has grown up with social media, recession and global conflict. They have followed the exploits of Edward Snowden, watched parents lose jobs, and seen the violence of Isis. And, as a result, she concludes, “This generation is profoundly anxious.” The Truth About Life: Cloudy Forecast (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 6/7/15

The Truth About Life: When You’re Not Sure Who You Are (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 5/24/15

20150510- Series Title

For most of the last school year I spent several Thursday mornings with a group of parents who met to pray over the students at my son’s school. Each Thursday we’d pray over a list of names of students, faculty and staff and we’d pray over their prayer requests.

I remember the morning when Suzanne Avery, the Highlander who leads the group, shared a slip of paper that someone had dropped into the prayer request box. It simply read:

“I’m not sure what I want in life.

I don’t know who I am.”The Truth About Life: When You’re Not Sure Who You Are (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 5/24/15

The Truth About Life: Your Calendar’s Most Frequently Recurring Event (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 5/17/15

20150510- Series Title

The movie and book The Time Traveler’s Wife tell the story of a man whose greatest challenge is his calendar. The man, Henry DeTamble, was born with a genetic disorder. This disorder causes Henry to time-travel. Usually during times of stress, Henry will disappear and then reappear, for example, five years into the future, or, ten years into the past, and then eventually make his way back to the present. Henry will often see younger or older versions of himself as he travels along his life’s timeline. Eventually, he falls in love a woman named Claire. Claire has to learn how to live with this man who floats in between present, past and future. It is the story of someone whose greatest challenge is his calendar.The Truth About Life: Your Calendar’s Most Frequently Recurring Event (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 5/17/15

Missing Mary’s Eyes (John 12 & 20) Chris Altrock – 5/10/15


Here is a recurring event in the Altrock household:

Let’s say that it’s Saturday afternoon. I’m hungry. I want a snack. So, I walk over to our pantry. I open the door and I look inside. I’m looking for one particular snack. I’m drooling for the bright red box of Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cookies. I look top to bottom, left to right, but I do not see the bright red box of Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cookies. So, I say,” Kendra? Do you know if Jacob ate all of the cookies? I don’t see them anywhere in the pantry.” And, Kendra says, “They are right there in the pantry.” And I respond, saying,” I’m standing at the pantry. I’m looking in the pantry. And I do not see any Chips Ahoy Chewy Chocolate Chip and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup cookies. We must be out.” Then, Kendra walks over and immediately puts her hand on a full box of cookies on a shelf in the pantry. I was looking right at them. But I did not see them.Missing Mary’s Eyes (John 12 & 20) Chris Altrock – 5/10/15