Thriving: Caught by Surprise (Jn. 5:1-17) Chris Altrock – January 17, 2016
On Sunday mornings, we are making our way through John’s Gospel.
- Two Sundays ago I shared how this gospel is focused on the topic of “thriving.” In Jesus, John writes, we gain the capacity not simply to be alive, but to thrive. We saw how that theme of thriving is woven into the beginning of John in Jn. 1 and the end of John in Jn. 20.
- One Sunday ago, Eric spoke about one of the most profound statements in John’s Gospel. It’s found in Jn. 3 where John the Baptist says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (Jn. 3:30 ESV)
- This morning we come to chapters 4-5 which contain a story of Jewish Jesus interacting with a Samaritan woman, Jesus healing the son of an important official, and Jesus teaching about religious authority. Chapter 5 is where we find the story which is our focus this morning: Thriving: Caught by Surprise (Jn. 5:1-17) Chris Altrock – January 17, 2016