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The Good News of Christmas – Part 2 (Luke 2:7) Chris Altrock

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A friend of mine has a nativity set which he displays each December in his home. Mary’s face is serene. Joseph’s is solemn. The sheep are meticulously shorn and mercifully silent. The wise men appear as if they stepped out of a first-world fashion shoot.

But one December the manger was mangled. My friend’s toddler grabbed some Sharpies in one hand, baby Jesus in the other and splashed lines of permanent color all over the scene. When his father stumbled upon the demolition he could hardly recognize the familiar display. Never had such saintly figures been so sadly soiled. A polished and perfect nativity became a mess in a matter of minutes.

In a way, that mangled manger is more true to life than most of our refined sets. Entering our world as an infant was risky for Jesus. It was no walk in the park. The manger was more mayhem than magnificence. More danger than delight. Nothing could be more perilous. Yet nothing created intimacy with us than Jesus’ infancy.The Good News of Christmas – Part 2 (Luke 2:7) Chris Altrock