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Go Take (Esther 2:5-7) Chris Altrock – 4/15/18

The story of Esther is the story of a woman who saved the world. Esther’s ancient world was even more a man’s world than our modern world. Yet the hero of this story is a woman. She is the figure who partners with God to stand against the strongest empire in the ancient world to save the lives of countless Jews.

Yet the book of Esther is the story of a hero who almost wasn’t. Esther herself almost wasn’t. She almost lost the chance to grow into the hero of her story. When she was young, circumstances in her life nearly robbed her of the chance to stand in the gap for her fellow Jews.Go Take (Esther 2:5-7) Chris Altrock – 4/15/18

Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15

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Tyler Edwards is the author of a book called Zombie Church. He warns that too many churches are like zombies – undead; not truly alive; consuming everything and contributing nothing. The cure for zombie churches, he proposes, is love. You’ve got to restart the heart.

At one point he realized his own church was a zombie church. It was contributing nothing to the people and neighborhoods around it. It needed to restart its heart. It needed to rediscover how to love those nearby. Edwards wrote this helpful line:Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15