“The Bourne Identity” was a 2002 film based on a book by Robert Ludlum.[1] “The Bourne Identity” begins with the crew of an Italian fishing boat sighting a man floating unconscious in the sea. After pulling him out, the crew of the boat discovers gunshots in the man’s back. While treating these wounds, the ship’s medical officer finds a device embedded in the man’s hip. The device contains the number of a safe deposit box in Zurich. Eventually, the man regains consciousness. He doesn’t know where he is or who he is. Over the next few days, the man learns he is fluent in several languages and can perform uncommon tasks like navigating and tying exotic knots. Still he cannot remember anything about who he is. When the ship docks, the man travels to Zürich to investigate the safe deposit box which the item in his hip had indicated. He finds the bank and the box. Inside are several passports containing his picture (all under different names and nationalities), large amounts of assorted currencies, and a gun. He picks the first passport. It claims his name is Jason Bourne. The rest of the movie records Jason Bourne’s search for his true identity.
The (re)Born Identity of Security: Remembering Who You’ve Become Through Baptism (Col. 2:6-23; Gal. 3:15-4:7)