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Heart of the Matter: Leaving the Land of Forgetfulness (1 Sam. 7) Chris Altrock – June 18, 2017

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series The Heart of the Matter


There are a small number of people in the world diagnosed with hyperthymesia.[1] Essentially, these are people who remember everything–everything. Alexandre Wolfe is one of them. In an interview for NPR, Alexandre described how she can recall every detail of a mundane activity like driving to Target for groceries more than ten years ago. She can recall what she wore and ate every day for the past decade. She remembers if the fan in the bedroom was running on this date last year.

This hyper memory could be helpful. Imagine never forgetting another birthday or anniversary or special occasion. Imagine never forgetting another important fact while you are at work or school. Imagine studying for a test and remembering everything you studied. Imagine being able to win every trivia game.Heart of the Matter: Leaving the Land of Forgetfulness (1 Sam. 7) Chris Altrock – June 18, 2017