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Doubt: When the People of Faith are too Flawed

Lynn Anderson is the author of several Christian books.  He leads a Christian organization that provides mentoring to men.  He preached for many years in Christian churches.  He’s been a great friend and mentor to me.  You can’t find a man of greater faith than Lynn Anderson.  Yet in his book If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts? Lynn writes about his struggle with spiritual doubts.  He worried that if other Christians knew his doubts they wouldn’t accept him: “All along my journey of faith, periodic doubt has nipped at my heels.  Yet most of the time I have also craved wholehearted belief in the God of my father and involvement in the family of God.  Nurtured from childhood in the embrace of a tiny, close-knit Christian fellowship, I depended upon the church for much of my security and identity.  Yet all the time I wondered, “Would they accept me if they knew I do not truly believe?…Was I a hypocrite, professing belief on the outside while harboring serious doubts on the inside?[1] Lynn is one of those heroes of faith to me.  Yet in his life he’s struggled with spiritual doubts.  And he’s wondered what would happen in others knew of those doubts.Doubt: When the People of Faith are too Flawed

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Contemplative Prayer


Prayer as Active Asking

Several days ago the small group which my family and I attend discussed the prayer-life of Jesus.  After a lengthy conversation, several of us confessed our desire to spend more time in prayer—like Jesus.  But one group member spoke for more than just herself when she said, “But honestly, I don’t know what I would do if I spent more time in prayer.  I’m not sure what else I would say.  I’d run out of things to pray about.”  She and we wanted to spend more time in prayer.  But we were confused about how we’d actually spend that time.

Refresh: Connecting with Christ Through Contemplative Prayer