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Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Shallow (Mk. 10:17-22) January 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message


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A non-Christian acquaintance of mine named Rob once shared with me the story of an event which caused him to walk away from Christianity.  Rob served on the finance committee of a Methodist church.  One of the missionaries of that church had to come back to the United States before his prescribed time. The committee had to determine what to do with the remaining money which had been allotted to that mission.  Rob suggested that they use it to support another missionary.  Other members of the committee scoffed at the idea.  They had other uses in mind for the money.  Some of them were very rude to Rob.  And Rob said to me, “Christians love to talk about ‘agape,’ but they don’t live it.”  That event marked Rob’s separation from church.  He told me “Power, not love, drives the church.” Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Shallow (Mk. 10:17-22) January 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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