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Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Examen That Can Revolutionize Your Life August 25, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

10 Minute Transformation Title











I’d like to share some photographs with you as I begin my message. I recently went on a journey and I recorded what I saw:

  1. On my journey I saw the famous Hollywood sign:
  2. On my journey I saw some graffiti:
  3. On my journey I noticed a bulldozer:
  4. And on my journey I visited a toy store:

There’s nothing special about those photographs. Seems like my journey was pretty boring. But let’s take a second look. In each of these photos there is something significant we may have missed. There’s a person present. His name is Liu Bolin. He’s an Asian artist. And he’s become known for these series of photos called “Hiding.” Let’s take a second look at my journey:Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Examen That Can Revolutionize Your Life August 25, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message