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Revolution: A New Spin on Turning People to Faith (Matt. 9:14-17) – Aug. 23, 2009

One recent morning I read these lines on a friend’s blog: There are now 195,000,000 unchurched people in America. This makes America one of the four largest “unchurched” nations in the world…there is not a county in America that has a greater church population than it did 10 years ago.”[1] There is little doubt that Christianity in America is facing significant challenges and that fewer Americans are embracing the Christian faith.

Revolution: A New Spin on Turning People to Faith (Matt. 9:14-17) – Aug. 23, 2009

Every Knee Will Bow Because of Open-Handed Christians (Phil. 1:17-30)


In his book Choosing Your Faith Mark Mittelberg writes this:[1]

Think about your day so far. This morning, you got up and, by faith, had breakfast, trusting that nobody in the house had laced your food with poison. You stopped at a coffee shop and somehow trusted those characters behind the counter…not to put some kind of harmful or spoiled substance in your triple-shot, extra foam, grande latte. You got to work–maybe even took the elevator?–and sat in a chair, by faith, without testing it first to see if it was still strong enough to hold you up…At lunch, you went out for a walk and paused to bend down and pat a stranger’s dog, believing you wouldn’t become one of the 4.7 million Americans bitten by a dog each year…Then, at the end of the workday, you aimed your car toward home and drove down the street, trusting-but-not-really-knowing that some sixteen-year-old NASCAR wannabe driver wouldn’t be out drag-racing his friends, careening toward you at a high rate of speed.  No doubt about it–you live your life by faith every day…

Every Knee Will Bow Because of Open-Handed Christians (Phil. 1:17-30)

Every Knee Will Bow Because of the Open-Handed Christ (Phil. 2:1-11)

The Monday after Easter, Newsweek magazine ran this headline article: “The End of Christian America.”  The article revolved around two recent findings.  First, the number of Americans who claim no religious affiliation has nearly doubled since 1990.  The number of Americans who claim no religious affiliation has nearly doubled since 1990.  Second, the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as Christians has dropped by ten percentage points since 1990.  The percentage of Americans who identify themselves as Christians has dropped by ten percentage points since 1990.  In other words, there has been a significant increase in the number of Americans who have no religious affiliation.  And there has been a significant decrease in the number of Americans who do affiliate themselves with Christianity.  It is for this reason that the article is entitled “The End of Christian American.”  The article’s point is simple: There are many people with little or no affiliation with Jesus. 

Every Knee Will Bow Because of the Open-Handed Christ (Phil. 2:1-11)

Revolution: The Scandal of Love (Jn. 7:53-8:11)

Time magazine and CNN collaborated recently to create a list of the “Top Ten Scandals” from 2008.[1]  Here are five of them:

1.      New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigns after his infidelity is discovered.

2.      AIG leaders receive an $85 billion bailout then take a lavish $400,000 retreat.

3.      Former senator Bob Edwards cheats on his wife of 31 years. 

4.      Seventeen Gloucester High School students get pregnant as the result of a pact.

5.      Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick resigns after his affair with a former aide is discovered.

Every year notable people make scandalous moral and spiritual choices.

Revolution: The Scandal of Love (Jn. 7:53-8:11)