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Toxic: The Poison of Orthodoxy (Jas. 2:14-26)

When my twin brother and I were very young, we found some candy in our parent’s bedroom.  There wasn’t a lot of it, but what was there, we ate.  Unfortunately, we got caught.  Our mom walked in on our little candy-snacking.  Even more unfortunately, the candy turned out not to be candy.  To everyone’s shock, my brother and I had just gorged on my mother’s birth control pills.  She called the doctor and we were rushed to the hospital.  Mom was terrified that we might have just poisoned ourselves.  Thankfully, everything eventually worked out.  But it was a toxic scare.  And, since that incident, I have been unable to get pregnant.Toxic: The Poison of Orthodoxy (Jas. 2:14-26)

The Problem of Hell: Hell is Fabricated (Matt. 5:22) Chris Altrock, January 29, Sunday Morning Message

Last year preacher and author Rob Bell wrote a book about hell.  The book was called Love Wins.[1] It sparked a firestorm within the larger Christian community because it challenged traditional teaching about hell.  It also fueled serious discussion within the larger non-Christian culture.  For example, Time magazine followed the book’s release with an edition with these words splashed across the cover: “What if there’s no hell?”[2] A few months from now a movie will be released entitled “Hell and Mr. Fudge.”  The movie tells the true story of a Church of Christ minister who rebelled against traditional views of hell.  There’s a lot of discussion in our churches and in our culture about hell.

The Problem of Hell: Hell is Fabricated (Matt. 5:22) Chris Altrock, January 29, Sunday Morning Message

Tweetimonies: Allen Black

Our staff recently wrote our faith stories/ conversion stories in 140 characters (the limit for Twitter).  Here’s the faith story of Allen Black, our Middle Adult Minister: Once being right with God was getting every doctrine… Tweetimonies: Allen Black