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Simple Prayer

  Simplifying Our Lives In 2009 results were released from a significant study on simplicity.[i]  Father and son Thom and Art Rainer asked more than one thousand Americans about their pace, their schedules, and their… Simple Prayer

Would You Withdraw?

There’s a fascinating and downright convicting summary of Jesus’ ministry in chapter 5 of Luke’s account.  In the original language, Luke paints this picture: Testimonies, reports, and “Did you hear?” about Jesus were spreading like wildfire. … Would You Withdraw?

Famous Nameless: Giving Grace Like a Slave Girl Chris Altrock – July 3, 2011

A Pew Research study found that nearly half of us have “Googled” our name.[1] This refers to typing your name in the Google Internet search engine to find out if there is any mention of you on the Internet.  Nearly half of us have Googled our name.  Why?  I think it’s because we want to find out if we have any notoriety.  We want to know how popular we are.  We want to know how many people might know our name.Famous Nameless: Giving Grace Like a Slave Girl Chris Altrock – July 3, 2011

Formation Prayer

Do you sometimes feel like your prayer-life is in a rut?  What causes this experience?  For many of us, the rut comes when we do the same thing over and over.  Many of us tend to… Formation Prayer