Book Review of Philip Yancey’s “Vanishing Grace”
“If the good news is true, why is no one pleased to hear it?” This quote from a Walker Percy novel sums up the mystery explored in Philip Yancey’s… Book Review of Philip Yancey’s “Vanishing Grace”
“If the good news is true, why is no one pleased to hear it?” This quote from a Walker Percy novel sums up the mystery explored in Philip Yancey’s… Book Review of Philip Yancey’s “Vanishing Grace”
A few years ago I was reading through John’s Gospel with a man who did not follow Jesus. Our conversations were surprisingly positive as we walked through John’s account of Jesus. There’s a lot… How Can Jesus Be The Truth in a Culture of Many Truths?
At a gathering of staff and elders of the Highland church recently, one of our elders gave an unexpected confession: “I sort of miss those hard times. We never prayed more as a leadership than… The Reinvention of Prayer
The church finds itself in a world still filled with many whose hearts are turned away from God. God has won our hearts. But there are still many who have not yet fallen for… Why Christians Must Give Up the Fight