In Part 1 we firmly impressed on our hearts and minds Jesus’ vision for our walk with God (piety), our relationships (people) and our approach toward money and material things (possessions). In Parts 2-4 we explore specific spiritual disciplines or practices by which we can participate with the Holy Spirit in experiencing growth in these areas for the sake of the world. Each practice can be done in ten minutes or less.
In Part 2 we focus specifically on piety—transformation in our relationship with God. We’ll explore four spiritual disciplines which can bring growth between us and God. Three days in our forty day experience will be devoted to each of these four disciplines. Thus, we’ll spend the next twelve days growing in piety.
Increasing Depth
One of the greatest lessons Jesus teaches about piety in the Sermon on the Mount has to do with our tendency to become shallow and superficial in our walk with God. Specifically, we move toward a faith which is focused on getting applause from others and on doing what looks good publicly. When around others, we appear truly intimate with God. When by ourselves, we are something else. Jesus warns against this in Matt. 6:1-18. It is also the topic of his anti-Sermon on the Mount in Matt. 23. Three times in Matt. 6:1-18 Jesus warns against practicing piety before others for their applause. Seven times in Matt. 23 Jesus warns against masquerading as spiritual people in order to gain respect and status. In Matt. 6:1-18 Jesus calls for a spirituality which is done in secret rather than performed for others. In Matt. 23 Jesus demands a faith which doesn’t just look pretty on the outside but deeply affects the inside as well.
One spiritual practice uniquely suited to moving beyond the superficial and external is called the Examen. It’s a habit which enables us to become “pure in heart” (Matt. 5:8)—that is, experiencing a faith that is not only external but internal as well.
Ten Minute Mystic: Part 2: Growing in Piety Through The Examen