Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Doubtless (1 Cor. 13, 15) January 13, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Ricky Gervais is a well-known comedian. Raised as a Christian, he is now an atheist. A couple of years ago, in an interview, Gervais shared how his journey from faith to faithlessness began. He said, “I used to believe in God. The Christian one that is. I loved Jesus. He was my hero…I went to church and believed in God.” One day at the kitchen table, Gervais was drawing a picture of Jesus. His older brother Bob, 19, walked into the kitchen. And Bob asked his mom a question: “Why do you believe in God?” Bob didn’t mean anything bad by the question. He just honestly wanted to know. Were there good reasons for believing in God? Why should he believe in God? Their mother, however, responded negatively. “Bob,” she said, “shut up.” And Gervais, the younger brother whose hero was Jesus and who believed in God, was shaken by the exchange. Did Bob or their mother know something he didn’t? Maybe there was no God. Maybe there were no good reasons for believing in God. And that mini-crisis of faith began a journey that led Gervais away from faith.Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Doubtless (1 Cor. 13, 15) January 13, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message