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The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We Believe” vs. “It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe”

Deeds Over Creeds

In his book Christless Christianity Michael Horton argues that when it comes to the Christian faith in North America, creeds have given way to deeds.[1] In others words, what counts in modern Christianity are deeds—serving the poor, drilling water wells, and tutoring at-risk children.  What no longer counts in contemporary Christianity are creeds—believing specific things about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  What matters these days is what churches do in their communities and around the world, not what churches believe when they gather together.  Creeds have given way to deeds.The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We Believe” vs. “It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe”

Listen Up: Hearing God Through Others

The Hubble telescope was launched in 1990.  In its first fifteen years, it took more than 700,000 pictures of distant galaxies and stars like these: When images from the Hubble became blurry, a team of astronauts was sent to repair the telescope.  Homer Hickam was one of the NASA specialists who trained this repair team.  Hickam once wrote this about Hubble and its images: “The Hubble has changed the very way we understand who we, as citizens of Planet Earth, are and where we are going.  Yet, within the magnificent pictures of Hubble is a deeper truth.  There are miracles everywhere although sometimes they are concealed, not by God, but by our own eyes.  All we need to do is look, and they will be seen.”[i] Hickam is saying there is more to these Hubble photographs than meets the eye.  There are miracles here, although they are concealed by our own eyes.  God is displaying himself through these images.  And if we’ll look closely we’ll see God’s creativity, power, and majesty revealed here.  Through these cosmic creations God is displaying himself.Listen Up: Hearing God Through Others

Renovate: Transforming Your Community (1 John 3-5) Chris Altrock – January 16, 2011

On Sunday mornings we are focusing on the fundamentals of life-renovation.  We’re exploring God’s vision for four areas of life: our character, our relationship with God, our relationships with others, and our approach towards money.  In each area, we are considering what it would mean to renovate—to remove the old and replace it with the new.Renovate: Transforming Your Community (1 John 3-5) Chris Altrock – January 16, 2011