The Truth About Life: Cloudy Forecast (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 6/7/15

A British scholar recently interviewed 1,000 young women between the ages of 13 and 20. [i] She summarizes the result of those surveys with one word. Do you know what that word is? What one word describes young women in the U. S. and the U.K? It’s the word “anxious.”
The scholar, Noreena Hertz, says that this generation of young women has grown up with social media, recession and global conflict. They have followed the exploits of Edward Snowden, watched parents lose jobs, and seen the violence of Isis. And, as a result, she concludes, “This generation is profoundly anxious.” The Truth About Life: Cloudy Forecast (Rev. 1:4-8) Chris Altrock – 6/7/15