The Reinvention of Prayer
At a gathering of staff and elders of the Highland church recently, one of our elders gave an unexpected confession: “I sort of miss those hard times. We never prayed more as a leadership than… The Reinvention of Prayer
At a gathering of staff and elders of the Highland church recently, one of our elders gave an unexpected confession: “I sort of miss those hard times. We never prayed more as a leadership than… The Reinvention of Prayer
It’s the best of times to be Jesus. And the worst of times to be his church. Larry’s a prime example. I met him through his girlfriend, a member of my congregation. Fresh out… How Not to Revive the Church
A few weeks ago I had coffee with a man named Jim. Jim is a young married man with two kids. He is finishing up his PhD in apologetics. Apologetics is the study of the reasons why people believe in God. Jim has focused his research on young adults, also called Millennials.
Jim and I ended up talking about one of the major obstacles keeping Millennials from following Christ. What is that obstacle? It is the church. Millennials have become infamous for saying things like “Give me Jesus but not the church.”Mobile: The Ends of the Earth (Acts 1)
When Ignatius devised the Spiritual Exercises, he had a lot of options. As he labored to create an experience, a “boot-camp,” that could lead clergy and laity to significantly deeper spiritual lives, he… 7 Things I Learned in 30 Days of Silence: #7 Wholeness Comes from the Whole Gospel