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The Good News of Christmas-Part 1 (Luke 2:7)

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On an unusually blue-sky afternoon in March 2015 I stood with seven intrepid explorers from Highland on the ancient stones of the Forbidden City. Our visit fell several days after the Chinese New Year. This holiday left factories vacant and the smog they produced dormant. The workplaces rested like giant napping dragons. For a few glorious days we joined Beijing’s twenty-one million in celebrating crisp air and clear skies.

Our guide, a native of Beijing, shared tales which brought the venerable palace to life. The Forbidden City was the geographical, economical, spiritual and emotional center of Beijing. From its heart pumped life to the rest of the city and the region. Built as the home of China’s emperors, the “forbidden” in Forbidden City meant that most were banned from entering. Unless your status was unusually high up, its gates remained closed up.The Good News of Christmas-Part 1 (Luke 2:7)

Arrival: Who’s Coming? (John 1:1-5)

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In 2005, conservative author John Gibson released his book entitled, The War on Christmas. In it, Gibson described ways in which the public celebration of Christmas is being pushed out of mainstream culture. For example, in some communities or venues, public nativity scenes and Christmas trees are banned. Saying “Merry Christmas” is forbidden. Singing traditional Christmas carols is frowned upon.Arrival: Who’s Coming? (John 1:1-5)