The Fulcrum of Finances (Esther 3-4) Chris Altrock – June 12, 2016

Turning Points in the Air
The BBC once ran an occasional series called “Turning Points.” This series highlighted key moments when the storyline of history turned in a significant way. Here’s their infographic on turning points in aviation. I’ll highlight a few of the times in history when manned flight pivoted in a powerful way:[1]
- 1903 The first heavier than air aircraft
- 1919 The world’s first non-stop flight across the Atlantic
- 1939 First flight by a jet aircraft
- 1947 First supersonic flight
- 1958 First commercially successful jet airliner
- 1968 First supersonic airliner
- 1988 B-2 Stealth bomber enters service
- 1995 World’s first hunter killer unmanned aircraft
Every story in history has a turning point, a fulcrum, on which important things pivot.The Fulcrum of Finances (Esther 3-4) Chris Altrock – June 12, 2016