Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
When he was 29, Rembrandt painted a scene from the first book of the Bible. It was the same year his first son was born. And the same year that same son died. Perhaps… Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
When he was 29, Rembrandt painted a scene from the first book of the Bible. It was the same year his first son was born. And the same year that same son died. Perhaps… Binding Your Isaac, Finding Your Lamb
My own research finds that we live in a culture where many are uninformed about Christianity, hold pluralistic views about morality and spirituality, distrust the institution of the church, care mostly about the here and… What am I Preaching? (5 Key Questions for Preaching in a Changing Culture #3)
One without authority. That’s how preacher and author Fred Craddock described us back in 1969. In his As One Without Authority Craddock was addressing the “when” question (see previous post in this series). He understood that… Who is Preaching? (5 Questions for Preaching in a Changing Culture #2)
Lord, you quicken me when I’m on the verge of quitting. You send just the right person and I go from stumbling to strong. You speak just the right word and I go from trembling… Prayer from Psalm 1: Renewed