When God Hides: The Day She Changed Her Name (Esther 6-8) Chris Altrock – July 3, 2016

The Name We Wear
Tomorrow, July 4, is a day that, in part, reminds us who we are. We may be fans of the Tigers or the Titans. We may be of Millington or Memphis. We may be Church of Christ or Church of God in Christ. We may have family trees with roots in Poland or Peru. We may have grown up in the United States or have moved here from another country. But tomorrow, Independence Day, reminds us that there is something that supercedes all of those differences. Tomorrow reminds us that we are Americans. We are not just Tennesseans or Texans New Mexicans. We are not just Republicans or Democrats or Independents. We are Americans.When God Hides: The Day She Changed Her Name (Esther 6-8) Chris Altrock – July 3, 2016