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Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15

20150419- Series Slide


Tyler Edwards is the author of a book called Zombie Church. He warns that too many churches are like zombies – undead; not truly alive; consuming everything and contributing nothing. The cure for zombie churches, he proposes, is love. You’ve got to restart the heart.

At one point he realized his own church was a zombie church. It was contributing nothing to the people and neighborhoods around it. It needed to restart its heart. It needed to rediscover how to love those nearby. Edwards wrote this helpful line:Go: Encircled (Acts 18:1-11 ) Chris Altrock & Lawana Maxwell – 4/19/15

Mobile: The Ends of the Earth (Acts 1)

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A few weeks ago I had coffee with a man named Jim. Jim is a young married man with two kids. He is finishing up his PhD in apologetics. Apologetics is the study of the reasons why people believe in God. Jim has focused his research on young adults, also called Millennials.

Jim and I ended up talking about one of the major obstacles keeping Millennials from following Christ. What is that obstacle? It is the church. Millennials have become infamous for saying things like “Give me Jesus but not the church.”Mobile: The Ends of the Earth (Acts 1)

Catching Fire: A Community of the Spirit (Acts 1, 8) Chris Altrock – October 14, 2012 – Sunday Morning Message

Recently Highland staff and elders worked through a book which explores the spiritual state of young adults in the United States.  This book is part of what led us to conclude that, as part of Vision 2018, God wants Highland to reach and involve over 200 young adults.  The book we read is the second of a two-book series by David Kinnaman.  His first book, entitled UnChristian explored what non-Christian young adults think about Christianity.  The second book, entitled You Lost Me, explored what Christian young adults think about Christianity. Catching Fire: A Community of the Spirit (Acts 1, 8) Chris Altrock – October 14, 2012 – Sunday Morning Message

Acts of God (Acts 2 The Fullness of the Church): #4

Using Jaroslav Pelikan’s commentary on Actsin the Brazos Theological Commentary set, this series of short posts will explore some of the 84 significant theological issues raised by Luke in Acts and identified by Pelikan.

A 3rd issue comes to light in Acts 2:1: 1And in the day of the Pentecost being fulfilled, they were all with one accord at the same place, (Young’s Literal Translation).  Pelikan draws attention to the literal translation of Luke’s word, especially the word “fulfilled” or “fullness” which “is an attempt to convey an emphasis on the ‘fulness’ of the Holy Spirit…”  We find a similar use of language in two other places: 1) at the Passion (Lk. 9:51 – the days for his being lifted up had to be fulfilled…) and 2) the incarnation (Gal. 4:4 – when the fulness of the time was come God sent forth his son).

Acts of God (Acts 2 The Fullness of the Church): #4