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The True You: Abraham (Gen. 12:2-3) Chris Altrock – 5/20/18

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series The True You

Little Library

            A couple of years ago a few of us from Highland visited Hangzhou, China. It was one of the cities we had identified as a potential site for a new mission work. We wanted to get to know the city and meet some of the local Christians in the house churches.

One evening we worshiped in a house church. Like so many of the informal gatherings of Christians in China, this one met in a small apartment. There were about twenty of us that night. Most were from Hangzhou. One was from Singapore. A few were from another country–American missionaries traveling through Hangzhou.

I remember seeing a small bookshelf in the apartment filled with Christian books. Before the worship service started, I thumbed through the books. These were this church’s church library, their resource room. It consisted of twenty or thirty books. These were the written materials forming their minds and hearts spiritually.

I was saddened by what I found.The True You: Abraham (Gen. 12:2-3) Chris Altrock – 5/20/18

Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Promises Seem Too Empty (Gen. 15) October 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Scary Stories_Title
Good morning. I hate to ask you this, but would you mind waiting just a moment? Before I preach, I need to do something. So I’m going to have to ask you to wait while I do it.
You see, I just remembered that tomorrow is the birthday of a good friend. And I need to get something in the mail to my friend. I’m afraid if I don’t do it right now, I’ll forget to do it tomorrow. So, I’m going to use my phone to order a present for my friend. I’m going to open my app. Raise your hand if you’ve ever ordered anything from Stories From Sunday School: God’s Promises Seem Too Empty (Gen. 15) October 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message