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Heart of the Matter: Is it up to God or Up to Me? (1 Sam. 11) Chris Altrock – June 25, 2017

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series The Heart of the Matter

Chris Anderson tells the story of a man who went out to the desert to find God.[1] He fasted. He prayed. He longed to throw himself into the arms of God.

One day he was walking and he fell off a cliff. He would have fallen to his death if he hadn’t grabbed a branch partway down the cliff. As he swung there, grasping the branch, high above the river and the jagged rocks, he cried out, “Lord, Lord! Are you there? Help me! Tell me what to do!”

Eventually, the voice of the Lord came, calmly and quietly. “Let go,” the voice said.

Seconds passed.Heart of the Matter: Is it up to God or Up to Me? (1 Sam. 11) Chris Altrock – June 25, 2017