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Simplicity From the Inside Out

My friend Gary Holloway points out that Jesus not only lived with outward simplicity but with inward simplicity.[i]  His heart was uncluttered.  Only one call commanded his heart’s attention.  Only one task demanded its energy.  Because of this, Jesus was able to speak the one word which makes simplicity possible: “No.”  Jesus did not heal every patient.  He did not teach every person.  He did not travel to every place.  Jesus said “No” to many items and individuals so he could say “Yes” to a few.  His well-ordered life flowed from a well-ordered heart.

Jesus invites us to possess this same heart when he says in his Sermon, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matt. 6:33 ESV).”  Once the heart’s drive is devoted primarily to “seeking first” God’s dominion, decisions become clearer and life becomes simpler.  In fact, we can view the entire sermon as Jesus’ attempt to make us “pure in heart” (Matt. 5:8 ESV).  When your heart is unpolluted by the toxins of hundreds of human “have-to’s” and is clarified by one divine “must-do,” simplicity becomes possible.

What is God’s “must-do” in your life?  That’s the most important question to answer in order to take a step toward untangling and uncomplicating your life.


[i] Gary Holloway, You Might Be Too Busy If…Spiritual Practices for People in a Hurry (Leafwood, 2009), 63-72.