I was thrilled to participate in this year’s Catalyst Atlanta. I joined Russ Turman and Brishan Hatcher from Highland, along with 12,997 others from 50 different countries. Here are some of the most quotable quotes I tweeted during the conference:
A primary reason young people leave the church is they believe church is antiscientific. David Kinnaman
52% teens interested in a science career but 1% of youth ministers ever speak on scientific related issues. David Kinnaman
Only 1 in 11 churches say they do a good job ministering to young leaders. David Kinnaman
3 keys to keeping the young: 1)relationships with adults, 2) seeing how Bible applies to their field of interest..David Kinnaman
3 keys to keeping the young: 3) belief that Jesus is relevant. David Kinnaman
Your ministry cannot go beyond your prayer life Mark Batterson
Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers. Mark Batterson
Prayer is the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you. Mark Batterson
I’d rather have 1 God idea than 1000 good ideas-these only come thru prayer. Mark Batterson
A goal without a deadline is dead on arrival. Mark Batterson
Leaders must embrace 5 truths about the heart: 1) Your heart (not your public image) is the essence of who you are. Michael Hyatt
2) Your heart (not your skills, training) is the most valuable leadership tool you have-everything flows from it. Michael Hyatt
3) Your heart directly impacts your influence. Michael Hyatt
Your heart is the greatest gift you bring your team. Michael Hyatt
4) your heart is either healthy or unhealthy (many of us have unknown cardiovascular disease). Michael Hyatt
5) Your heart is under constant attack. Satan’s primary objective is to take you out thru your heart. Michael Hyatt
70% of ministers have no close friend. Over 50% would quit ministry if they could find another job. Michael Hyatt
Sabbath is critical to guarding your heart. Michael Hyatt
Too many Christian leaders think “I need a bigger platform so God can get greater glory.”
Nothing tells your kids they are second rate more than you coming home still talking on the cell phone. Jon Acuff
We get drunk on what’s next and what’s new and we miss the now. Jon Acuff
I don’t believe compliments but I think critics have PhD in me and they are always right. Jon Acuff
1000 compliments + 1 critique = 1 critique. Jon Acuff
The more sucessful you are. The less accessible you are. Andy Stanley
You can’t shut it all out. But you can’t take it all on. This is the primary tension of ministry. Andy Stanley
Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone. Andy Stanley
Go deep rather than wide; go long term rather than short term; go time not just money.That is, engage deeply with a few.Andy Stanley
When you do for one, you end up doing for more than just one. Andy Stanley
Greatness is not a function of circumstance but of choice and discipline. Jim Collins
In a chaotic world, knowing What to do isn’t as critical as having the right Who with you. Jim Collins
Leadership is not about personality (charisma) but about humility (submission to greater cause and will to do it). Jim Collins
Hubis-outrageous arrogance- is the great enemy of leadership. Jim Collins
Bad decisions done with good intentions are stil bad decisions. Jim Collins
Fanatic discipline is critical to leadership. The greater the chaos, the more important discipline is. Jim Collins
Empirical creativity is critical for leadership. Leaders look at empirical data and then act creatively using that data. Jim Collins
Productive paranoia is critical to leadership. Always ask What If? and act productively on the answer. Jim Collins
The signature of mediocrity is not refusal to change but chronic inconsistency (eg no unchanging values). Jim Collins
Key to innovation is to keep the values but change the practices. Jim Collins
1) run good to great diagnostic tool from jimcollins.com; Jim Collins
2) what are your key seats to fill and what is your plan to fill them in 1 year? Jim Collins
3) who will you allow to mentor you? Build a personal board of directors Collins
4) get your personal hedgehog – your passion, your genetic makeup, what you make a contribution in – Jim Collins
5) set a 20 mile march and stick to it 6) navigate uncertainty fire bullets – 6 small new things this year; Jim Collins
7) turn off all electronics 2 days every 2 weeks 8) create a stop-doing list – Jim Collins
9) double your reach to people half your age by changing your practices 10) set a BHAG that makes you useful. Jim Collins
Most in ministry need to double the amount of time they are spending on staffing. Dave Ramsey
People matter; a culture of excellence matters; slow and steady matters–don’t overreach the resources God provides
When you care deeply about why you are doing something, rather than just what you are doing, you excel. Dave Ramsey
When God is present, fruit is borne, no matter what else is not present. Francis Chan
If I could look at a transcript of your prayers from last month, would a hunger for God’s presence be thematic in them? Francis Chan
I don’t smoke crack because this [Jesus] is good enough for me. Judah Smith
Since when is Jesus not enough? Judah Smith
If you want to make a big difference, start small. I began by helping 250 and now have helped 2 million. Blake Mycoskie TOMS
TOMS is driven by the biblical promise that if we give God will bless. Blake Mycoskie TOMS
Fear is always an opportunity to trust or to sin. Mark Driscoll
Criticism today is instant, constant, and global due to technology. Mark Driscoll
The Bible’s answer to fear is this: Fear Not. This is the most oft-mentioned command in Scripture. Mark Driscoll
“Fear Not” in Scripture is almost always followed by “I am with you.” Mark Driscoll
Thanks Chris. Grateful to have someone taking notes.
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