In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus focuses on three broad areas of life: people, piety, and possessions. Jesus casts an inspiring vision for what life could be like when it comes to our relationships with others, our walk with God, and our approach towards money and stuff.
Jesus raises these issues ultimately because they can become ways in which we “give glory to [our] Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). We pursue a better connection with people, a greater piety, and a more appropriate stewardship of possessions because these are ways in which we love the Lord our God. We do this for the sake of God.
Yet Jesus also raises these issues because they become ways in which we act as salt to the earth and light to the world (Matt. 5:13-14). We pursue a better connection with people, a greater piety, and a more appropriate stewardship of possessions because they are ways in which we love our neighbor as ourself. We do this for the sake of the world.
In Jesus’ mind spiritual formation is not merely done for my sake, or God’s sake, but for the sake of the world. Spiritual growth is growth for the sake of our neighbor. The more transformation we experience in the areas of people, piety, and possessions, the better we function as salt and light on the earth.
This changes the whole tone of spiritual formation. It’s not just about my private spiritual experience and fulfilment. It’s not merely about my personal relationship with Jesus and my individual worship of God. It’s now about my contribution to the kingdom and my role in the greater story of God to renew and recreate the earth and its people. As I experience greater degrees of spiritual formation, I become better able to fulfill my purpose of blessing all people.
How then, might you rewrite the sentences of your life?
For the sake the of world, God, help my connection with people to be _______________.
For the sake of the world, God, help my walk with you to be __________________.
For the sake of the world, God, help my use of possessions to be _________________.