Fast Company reports:
“Brand expert Martin Lindstrom conducted a 3 year, 7 million dollar study comparing brain scans of the religious to those with high brand loyalty. Lindstrom discovered that the scans of people loyal to Apple matched the scans of devoted Christians…’Brands are a signal of self-worth,’ said Gavan Fitzsimons, professor of marketing and psychology at Duke. ‘We’re signaling to others that we care about ourselves and that we feel good about ourselves and that we matter in this world. It’s more than ‘I’m hip or cool’…I’m a worthwhile person, and I matter, and you should respect me and think that I’m a good person, because I’ve got the D&G on my glasses.’
Rather than look for meaning, purpose, and self-worth in religion, many today find it in the brands they use, wear, and consume. For many, their brand is their religion.
Why? How have you seen this?