“Apologetic work helps people believe and know the things that are especially related to Jesus Christ: his coming into the world, his life and death, and now his continuing to live in us.”The Allure of Gentleness, 9, Dallas Willard
“[Apologetics aids] others in removing doubts that hinder their enthusiastic and full participation in the kingdom of the heavens and their discipleship to Christ.” The Allure of Gentleness, 9, Dallas Willard
There are two sides to apologetics. On the one side is information: I believe because ______________. Here, we are considering the information regarding reasons, evidences, “proofs” regarding fundamental questions related to faith: Does God exist? Are the Gospels reliable? Was Jesus raised from the dead.
On the other side are implications: Because I believe _______________. It’s not enough simply to uncover and cite reasons, arguments or proofs undergirding our faith. We have to take it one step beyond. There are life-changing implications that flow from apologetics.
This is what lies behind Craig Groeschel’s book The Christian Atheist. He argues that it’s one thing to believe God exists–it’s another to live like God exists. Far too many, he proposes, believe in the fundamentals of the faith, but live as if they don’t.
How would you answer these two questions?
I believe because ______________.
Because I believe ______________.