Here’s what I heard most frequently yesterday at the PBL when asking my fellow-ministers, “How are you?”
“I’m o.k…” (Not, “I’m OK!”)
“I’m hanging in there.”
“I’m making it. Making it.”
“I’m glad I’m here.” (Translation: “I’m glad I’m not there, in my local congregational setting.”)
These phrases are often followed by a tired gaze into the distance or by a tired smile.
Honestly, I said more than one of those phrases myself yesterday.
We ministers can be a weary lot. You may not realize it, but we get stressed out, at times have trouble sleeping, are sometimes addicted to food or exercise or writing in order to self-medicate, wrestle with our own spiritual doubts, get our feelings hurt, and are sometimes just a mess. Ministry is hard work and it sometimes works us over.
So, next time you ask your preacher, youth minister, children’s minister, or church leader, “How are you?” don’t settle for the first thing that comes out of his/her mouth. Press a little. Ask what you can pray about for him/her. Write him/her a little note of encouragement. (And offer to help send him/her to Pepperdine again next year :)).