Here is today’s prayer event: 45 Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. 46And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray. 47And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. (Mark 6:45-47 ESV)
Jesus dismisses the crowd whom he’s fed. He requests that the disciples leave. He seeks out a place far from distraction–the mountain. And he prays.
Jesus was unwilling for his prayer life to be dictated by circumstances. Too often we pray only when the right situation finds us. We blame our surroundings, our position, our season in life, or our schedule for our lack of prayer. Yet Jesus was different. Circumstances did not dictate his prayer life. His prayer life dictated his circumstances. He didn’t wait for the right situation to find him. He created the right situation.
What keeps you from prayer? How might you take control of that barrier today?
Work — for school or church. But really underneath those priorities is pride, isn’t it?
Chris, nice point today! Thanks!
A lot of times (along with pride) it tends to be busyness and activities and kids and fatigue and a lack of ‘mindfulness’ about being in constant communication with our Father. Other times when things are going real well, I forget to stop and thank God for the blessings. It is easy to remember when we are struggling or have a burden on our hearts. Similar to study, I have to say my prayer time is at this time and that time to overcome the pride and other distractions.
Bottom line, the devil tries to put just about everything in the way of my prayer time!!! The list is endless and he knows that very well! The good news is that God has not just carved out one hour a day for me to schedule time with him. God is available whenever! If I get distracted and get away from the house without having my prayer time, I pray on the way to work or when I get to my office.
Getting into the practice of “discussing all things with God” is a good one. Whether it be about a big decision or a small one, giving it to God first allows Him to have a “piece” of the issue which brings me a sense of “peace”.
I really don’t know how people make it without the peace of knowing that God is partnering along with them on everything!!!
A few days a week I carve a time just for prayer. Not doing this on a daily basis used to be just another source of guilt for me. Just one more thing on the to do list that I didn’t do well enough to be a “good” Christian. Then I came to realize that I talk to God all the time. I spend my day having constant conversations with Him. I ask questions, let Him know I am thinking of someone in need, ask for the wisdom to handle a situation correctly or just talk to Him like I would a friend that was spending the day with me. Those long quiet times of prayer are nice but I really like the prayer pattern I have fallen into. Just knowing that He is with me all the time!
A friends forwarded me this quote from Richard Foster of St. Bernard. Thought it really applied to today’s verse. Great metaphor!
“In earlier days, we tried to serve out of our spiritual bankruptcy, and we failed. We now know that ministry must flow out of abundance. Bernard of Clairvaux writes, ‘If then you are wise, you will show yourself rather as a reservoir than as a canal. For a canal spreads abroad as it receives it, but a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, and thus communicates, without loss to itself, its superabundant water. In the Church at present day, we have many canals, few reservoirs.’ We must determine to be reservoirs.”
Chris…one word. “Ouch!”
My two BIG barriers: Emotions and Rationalization.
Emotions: “I just don’t feel like it.” “I don’t feel God is hearing me.” “What do I have to get right between God and me before I feel He hears me.” “I can’t keep the committment, so why even try?” And on and on.
Rationalizations: I pray ALL the time. I pray before meals with my family. I pray with my children before bedtime. I pray for my patients at work. I pray at church whenever I am asked… and on and on the rationalizations go.
The truth? I realize, and have for some time, that I need to work on this. I believe I should have a more regular (one on one) prayer life. NOT out of a legalistic obligation, but in order to survive. I believe in a God of abundant grace. I just don’t like what He has to say to me sometime, so I avoid Him – one on one time with Him that is.
I will share with this group this has been a long-time struggle with me. I have the maturity to realize that there is a problem, but just enough immaturity and PRIDE (as Jason says) to push me away. I guess I’m just afraid that God will call me to do something rash and something difficult if I get too close.
Forgive me and have mercy on me, Lord.
Kevin: I here you. I understand. I will be praying for you.
I stumbled on this song today…I thought I’d share it with you all.
These Things Are True of You
By Tommy Walker
Unshakable, immovable, Faithful and true
Full of wisdom, strength and beauty
These things are true of You
Fearless, courageous Righteousness shines through in all You do
Yet You’re so humble You laid down Your life
These things are true of You
And as I turn my face to You
Oh Lord, I ask and pray
By the power of Your love and grace
Make these things true of me, too
Make these things true of me, too
Patient, compassionate Love flows through You
You never give up on the hopeless ones These things are true of You
Holy and blameless You stand up for justice and truth
Yet You love mercy and forgiveness These things are true of You
These things are true of You
And as I turn my face to You
Oh Lord, I ask and pray
By the power of Your love and grace
Make these things true of me, too
Make these things true of me, too
You can hear it here:
Click on the song title 3/4 the way down the page
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