Here is today’s prayer event: 19So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise…30 I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.” (John 5:19,30 ESV).
Jesus describes his ministry as one of imitation–what he hears his Father saying, he says; what he sees his Father doing, he does.
Andrew Lincoln writes, “When did this listening and observing…occur? The formulations suggest that these activities…were part of his continuing relationship with his Father during his public ministry–a relationship in which he saw visions and heard auditions, and for which prayer would not be an inappropriate description.”
For Jesus, prayer was not merely a time to talk, but also a time to listen. Prayer was not just closing the eyes, but also opening the eyes. Through prayer Jesus gained insight into what his next syllable and step ought to be.
Sit in silence for the next ten minutes. Ask God to speak to your heart. Ask God to open your eyes. He just may have something to say or show.
[image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brinkofsomethingbeautiful/3370009224/]
I remember a couple of years ago after reading the morning headlines and being overwrought with feelings evil in the world and the depravity of man, I prayed to God, “Where are you? Please show yourself.” And very clearly the answer came to me as if it had been spoken, “You are my presence in this world. It is through my people that I show myself.”
The quote from Saint Teresa of Avila you read in yesterday’s sermon was a solid reminder of this. And it reminded me of another favorite quote from Mother Teresa: ” I am a little pencil in the hand of God who is sending a love letter to the world.”
When I open myself to Him, prayer is where I hear the answers to my questions.
This was actually my second “quiet time” with God this morning. My first was during my morning ritual of prayer for my family. When I read this suggestion to have a quiet time, I first thought, “well I have done that already”, but then decided to have another one. Glad I did that. God did have more to say to me. I have a meeting this week with someone and I am not really sure how to handle it. I have been anxious about the meeting. During this time with God this morning, He gave me a sense of peace and actually gave me words to say.
Typical of me to think that I had “done my time”. Today is a reminder to me that God is there all the time, ready to listen and answer. I just need to allow Him in to my day more often!!!
Thanks for this push to more discipline in my prayer time with God.
Jay and Michelle,
Thank you both for sharing such great insights. Jay your story reminds me that we don’t always hear what we think we’ll hear or we hope we’ll hear. But God does still answer. Michelle, I’m grateful for the way you gave God a second listening and for what your heard in that time.
After a year of going thru the Trauma ICU at work I noticed that I would skip rooms of patients that were not awake and did not have family visiting. This set me to thinking, “Do I really believe in prayer? Like a tree that falls in the forest with no one to hear it, does a prayer that is prayed in the ICU with no one to hear it make an impact?” So I now pray for all my patients. Most are just quick short prayers of blessing. Some are simple “breath prayers” for healing and peace. But the powerful thing is when family members do show up and ask for prayer, I can tell them I have already been praying. I’m not sure how many of my prayers are answered. Some times I do see undeniable evidence of God answering my specific prayers. But prayer may not ever change the situation I am praying for, but I do know prayer definitely changes me.
as we are in the middle of making a big decision, i’m having trouble knowing when it is God talking and when it is ME talking/hoping/wishing. i think my prayers are definitely missing some “quietness” so that i can listen and hear instead of doing all the talking. thank you for the reminder.
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