Here is today’s prayer event: 24Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. (John 17:24 ESV)
Whereas much of John 17 has focused on the near-future, this final part of Jesus’ prayer seems to focus on the distant-future. Jesus prays for our heavenly reunion–that we who follow him might be with him in the place where he has spent an eternity being loved.
“Father, bring them safely home.” “Father, lead them back to me.” “Father, let them live in this place of love.”
Jesus is rooting for me to make it to heaven. He’s not hoping I’ll slip up. He’s not holding his breath, just waiting to see me fail. He’s not shaking his head every time I fall, saying, “He’s never going to make it.” No, Jesus is spending some of his final breath praying for me and you to make it to heaven. Jesus is rooting for us. Jesus is pulling for us. “Father, whatever you do, please make sure they wind up right here with me.”
Do you tend to imagine Jesus praying for you or against you? Why?
Close your eyes and imagine Jesus praying (put your name in the blank), “Father, I’m rooting for _______. I’m pulling for _________. I want nothing more than for ________ to be with me. Please make sure _________ makes it to heaven.”
What a comforting thought! Praise Jesus! Thanks, Chris.
Do you tend to imagine Jesus praying for you or against you? Why?
I feel Jesus is “rooting” for me, although that terminology bothers me for some reason. I guess the mental picture I have of someone “rooting” is related to sports. In reality sports fans, when it comes right down to it, all “root” for laundry. But Jesus “roots” for people. I guess I like that thought after all…
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