Palm Sunday’s Passion: Following a Politician for the People (Lk. 19:28-44)
For Sunday, March 1, 2009
Last Sunday’s paper carried the story of Leonard Abess, Jr.[i] You may have also seen Abess during last week’s Presidential speech. Abess is CEO of City National Bank. He recently sold a majority stake in the bank. The sale netted millions of dollars. Then, Abess did something unheard of—he took $60 million of the proceeds and gave it to his employees. Tellers, bookkeepers, clerks—all 399 workers on staff plus the 72 former employees received the $60 million. Abess didn’t publicize what he had done. He didn’t even show up at the office on the day the bonus envelopes were distributed. Asked what motivated him, he said he simply had long-dreamed of a way to reward his employees.
There is a man with passion. There is a boss passionate about his employees. What about you? What are you passionate about? Who or what would you do something crazy for?
Palm Sunday’s Passion: Following a Politician for the People (Lk. 19:28-44)