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Saving For Christmas: Jesus is Savior Above All and For All (Lk. 2:1-14)

This Friday most of us will celebrate Christmas, a day on which we mark the birth of Jesus.  Author Max Lucado reflects on the many ways people view this Jesus whose birth Christmas celebrates.[1]  Some, Lucado writes, see Jesus as the “Rabbit’s-Foot-Redeemer.”  Jesus is a good-luck charm.  The Rabbit’s-Foot-Redeemer’s specialty is getting you out of a jam.  If you can’t find a parking space, just ask him.  If you need help quickly, just pull him out.  Others, Lucado writes, see Jesus as the “Aladdin’s-Lamp-Redeemer.”  Whatever you wish is his command.  He’ll give you new jobs, pink Cadillacs, and improved spouses.  And when you’re done with him, he’ll go back into the lamp.  Third, some view Jesus as a “Monty-Hall-Redeemer.”  He’s ready to make a deal.  If you will put on a coat and tie, or dress and hose, 52 Sundays a year and endure sermons and contributions, he’ll make sure you get the heavenly prize behind door number 3.

 Saving For Christmas: Jesus is Savior Above All and For All (Lk. 2:1-14)

Impractical Presents: Giving for and to God by Giving to Others (Prov. 14:31)

Last Monday some of Highland’s staff and elders prayerfully drove through the 11 neighborhoods within two miles of our new facility.  This was part of an ongoing effort to learn more about the new neighborhood.  Afterwards, I stopped by the Hatcher’s new home, just minutes away from the new facility.  As they gave me the tour of their home, I remembered the first time Kendra and I purchased a home.  What I most remember is sitting in someone’s office signing document after document after document.  And what I most remember about the documents is the financial numbers.  They were the largest financial numbers ever attached to my name!  And they made me nervous!  Like many of you, the first home we purchased was not something we could afford with our own resources.  We had to ask an institution for a loan.   That institution possessed greater resources than we did and was able to fund our need.

Impractical Presents: Giving for and to God by Giving to Others (Prov. 14:31)

Impractical Presents: Giving Worth to Those with None (Prov. 22:2)

I recently came across an online “Net-worth Calculator.”  Net-worth, according to this calculator is the difference between your assets and your liabilities.  It adds up your assets—how much you have in checking and savings, how much life insurance you posses, how much your home, car, jewelry, and art are worth, your mutual funds, pension funds, stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles.  Then, it subtracts your liabilities—outstanding mortgages, student loans, car loans, credit card debt, and similar items.  What’s left is your net-worth.  This software will calculate any person’s net-worth.

 Impractical Presents: Giving Worth to Those with None (Prov. 22:2)