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Courage From Above: The Hope of Heaven as You and Your World Made Whole (2 Cor. 4:14)

Chris Altrock & Joshua Ray – April 4, 2010 Easter Sunday


During the recent Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia the Russian athletes struggled.  In the days leading up to the games, Russian leaders boasted that their athletes would bring home 30 medals.  By the time Vancouver was complete, however, they only brought home 15 medals, and only 3 of those were gold.  It was the Russian’s worst performance since 1912.  Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for the resignation of Russia’s top Olympic officials.  Russia groaned, because they envisioned that the games could have been so much more.  They were afflicted with this sense that Russia hadn’t fulfilled its potential.

Courage From Above: The Hope of Heaven as You and Your World Made Whole (2 Cor. 4:14)

Courage From Above: The Hope of Heaven as a Home with the Lord (2 Cor. 4:14, 5:6-9)

Chris Altrock – March 21, 2010


I just returned from traveling to my childhood home in New Mexico.  We drove 2,100 miles and saw every McDonalds, truck stop, and dead armadillo there was to see between Memphis and New Mexico.   Three years have passed since the last time I journeyed there with my kids.  Five years have passed since I journeyed there with Kendra.  But that stands in stark contrast to our travel habits when we first moved to Memphis in 1998.  Eleven years ago, we would travel back home every year, usually around Christmas.   It was a rare year when we didn’t get back home.  In fact, for the first couple of years after moving to Memphis, I was home-sick.  Each time we returned to Memphis after our Christmas sojourn to New Mexico, I would ache for my New Mexico home.  I would long to still be in New Mexico.  Just ask Kendra – I was a “grumpy Gus” to be around.  Yet now, we only occasionally travel to New Mexico.  While New Mexico remains my childhood home, more and more Memphis is my adult home.

 Courage From Above: The Hope of Heaven as a Home with the Lord (2 Cor. 4:14, 5:6-9)

Meant for More Through You (Eph. 1:11-14)


Chris Altrock – February 28, 2010


Recently, the New Orleans Saints won the National Football Leagues’ Super Bowl.  It is the most important professional football game in the United States.  And the Saint’s win is all the more remarkable given where their road to victory began.  After being founded in 1967, the Saints went more than a decade before they finished a season with a .500 record.  Ten years of games passed before the team managed a season in which they won half their games.  In addition, it was two decades before the Saints celebrated a winning season.  They played twenty years before they had one season in which they won more than they lost.  In fact, in 1980, the Saints lost their first 14 games.  A local sportscaster urged Saints fans to wear paper bags over their heads.  Many of the bags had written on them the word “Aints” rather than the team’s name, “Saints.”  And even after their first winning season, it would be another two decades before the Saints made it to this year’s Super Bowl.  The end of their story is all the more amazing given its humble beginnings.


Meant for More Through You (Eph. 1:11-14)