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The American Creed and the Christian Creed: We Believe in the Holy Spirit V. The Holy Spirit is no Big Deal Chris Altrock – 4/17/11 – Sunday Night

American Creed vs. The Nicene Creed

On Sunday nights we’ve been using the text of the Nicene Creed to discuss major differences between what the Bible teaches and what our culture believes.  Here, once again, is the text of the Nicene Creed:

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.The American Creed and the Christian Creed: We Believe in the Holy Spirit V. The Holy Spirit is no Big Deal Chris Altrock – 4/17/11 – Sunday Night

Doubt: When the Proof of Faith is Too Small

Several years ago I got into a Bible study with a non Christian named Lon.  Lon was a financial analyst who might spend hours at work tracking down one mistake on a financial report.  When he watched television, he carried that same attitude with him.  He always asked questions and looked for errors or mistakes.  And he applied this same skeptical approach to faith.  Often when we studied the Bible together, we’d only make it through two or three verses before Lon would ask several questions that take the rest of our time to answer.  And he was rarely satisfied with my answers.  He always took the skeptic’s approach and kept pressing and prodding.  After studying with me almost weekly for an entire year, Lon decided he did not want any more.  He really didn’t believe Scripture.  He didn’t want to become a Christian.  He had too many doubts and reservations.  Some non Christians have a lot of doubts.Doubt: When the Proof of Faith is Too Small

Doubt: When the People of Faith are too Flawed

Lynn Anderson is the author of several Christian books.  He leads a Christian organization that provides mentoring to men.  He preached for many years in Christian churches.  He’s been a great friend and mentor to me.  You can’t find a man of greater faith than Lynn Anderson.  Yet in his book If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts? Lynn writes about his struggle with spiritual doubts.  He worried that if other Christians knew his doubts they wouldn’t accept him: “All along my journey of faith, periodic doubt has nipped at my heels.  Yet most of the time I have also craved wholehearted belief in the God of my father and involvement in the family of God.  Nurtured from childhood in the embrace of a tiny, close-knit Christian fellowship, I depended upon the church for much of my security and identity.  Yet all the time I wondered, “Would they accept me if they knew I do not truly believe?…Was I a hypocrite, professing belief on the outside while harboring serious doubts on the inside?[1] Lynn is one of those heroes of faith to me.  Yet in his life he’s struggled with spiritual doubts.  And he’s wondered what would happen in others knew of those doubts.Doubt: When the People of Faith are too Flawed

The American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We believe Jesus cares for the hereafter” V. “We believe Jesus also cares for the here and now”

Bumper Sticker Faith

Jon Acuff is a Christian author and the founder of a popular blog called “Stuff Christians Like.”[i] In one article he writes about Christian bumper stickers.  Acuff provides this “Christian Bumper Sticker Scorecard”:

1. You have an ichthus fish sticker. = +1 point

2. You have an ichthus fish sticker with the word ichthus written inside it. =+2 points

3. You have an ichthus fish sticker with the word ichthus written inside it, eating a Darwin fish. = +3 points

4. You have an ichthus fish sticker with the word ichthus written inside it, applying a sleeper hold to the Darwin fish or stabbing it with a sharpened prison style toothbrush. = +4 pointThe American Creed and the Christian Creed: “We believe Jesus cares for the hereafter” V. “We believe Jesus also cares for the here and now”