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Storytelling: How the Story of the Trumpet Shapes the Way We Share Jesus (1 Pet. 2:11-12) Chris Altrock – August 28, 2011

Today is the fourth Sunday in a series on sharing Jesus with others.  As we begin this morning, I’d like you to write on the card we’ve provided the name of a person you know who is not yet a follower of Jesus.  At some point during this message, I want you to write the name of one person who is not yet a follower of Jesus.Storytelling: How the Story of the Trumpet Shapes the Way We Share Jesus (1 Pet. 2:11-12) Chris Altrock – August 28, 2011

Storytelling: How the Stories of the Clouds and the Fire Shape the Way We Share Jesus (Acts 1-2)

In his book Megan’s Secrets Mike Cope writes stories of his mentally disabled daughter named Megan.  Early in the book he tells this story which involves Megan and Mike’s wife Diane:[1] I head a sound from the other room: splash, splash, splash.  I walked into the bathroom to find Megan lapping up water from the toilet.  Her ladle was Diane’s toothbrush.  I was too tired to worry about it; I guess I thought, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you” (plus the toilet had just been cleaned), so I slung the water off the toothbrush and put it back in the toothbrush holder.  That evening, I walked into the bathroom to see Diane brushing her teeth.  The laughter I’d been fighting back now came out like a locomotive.  She looked at me strangely and asked, “What’s so funny?”  I choked out the words, “Megan used your toothbrush in the toilet.”  That’s when she started laughing hysterically.  I said, “What’s so funny?”  Diane replied, “She usually uses yours.”Storytelling: How the Stories of the Clouds and the Fire Shape the Way We Share Jesus (Acts 1-2)

Storytelling: How the Stories of the Manger and the Cross Shape the Way We Share Jesus (Phil. 2) Chris Altrock – August 14, 2011

Many of you know that I grew up outside of any religious faith.  As a child, I didn’t know anything about Christianity.  I couldn’t tell you a single book in the Bible.  I couldn’t name a single character in the Bible except Jesus.  For the first sixteen years of my life I knew nothing about Christianity.Storytelling: How the Stories of the Manger and the Cross Shape the Way We Share Jesus (Phil. 2) Chris Altrock – August 14, 2011

Famous Nameless: Offering Bread Like a Little Boy (John 6:1-15)

The Wallow Fire, named for the Bear Wallow Wilderness area where it started, burned over half-a-million acres in Arizona and New Mexico this summerIt was the largest fire in Arizona’s history.  The communities of Eager, Springerville, Nutrioso, Alpine, Luna and Blue River were threatened and evacuated.  Over 3,500 people fought this massive fire.  They used 15 helicopters, 5 airtankers, 196 fire engines, 72 water tenders, and 21 dozers.  The fire threatened almost 3,000 homes and 500 commercial buildings.[1]Famous Nameless: Offering Bread Like a Little Boy (John 6:1-15)