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Loaded: Exchanging Your Life of Craving for One of Contentment (1 Tim. 6:11-16)

We live in a culture characterized by craving.  In his book Things Unseen, Mark Buchanan writes about this: I saw this close-up … when my children first got to that age when the essence of Christmas becomes The Day of Getting. There were mounds of gifts beneath our tree, and our son led the way in that favorite childhood (and, more subtly, adult) game, How Many Are for Me? But the telling moment came Christmas morning when the gifts were handed out. The children ripped through them, shredding and scattering the wrappings like jungle plants before a well-wielded machete…When the ransacking was finished, my son, standing amid a tumultuous sea of boxes and bright crumpled paper and exotic trappings, asked plaintively, “Is this all there is?[1]Loaded: Exchanging Your Life of Craving for One of Contentment (1 Tim. 6:11-16)

Prayers from the Pit: Praying for Others in Times of Pain (Jn. 17) October 2, 2010

Under Attack

Israeli intelligence analyst Ronen Bergman writes of a time in 1962.  Egyptian leaders announced the successful test of missiles that gave Egypt the ability to target and destroy Israel.[1] Israeli military intelligence learned of a secret facility in the Egyptian desert—Factory 333.  This factory was staffed by German scientists hired by Egypt.  The scientists were building build 900 missiles—all pointed at Israel.Prayers from the Pit: Praying for Others in Times of Pain (Jn. 17) October 2, 2010

Prayers from Pit: Praying Like Jesus in Times of Pain

Prayer and Pain

A couple of years ago I experienced several weeks that were filled with despair.  I sat with a family the day after Christmas watching their father and husband slip into the arms of Jesus.  Then, shortly after New Years, my family received news that doctors had found a tumor in the brain of the woman who once babysat our daughter.  Days later a report came from Arizona stating that my wife’s mother had been found unconscious.  Later, from New Jersey arrived a call stating that the younger sister of my step-father had succumbed to breast, liver, and bone cancer.Prayers from Pit: Praying Like Jesus in Times of Pain