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Slice: Making Jesus The Light of Your Life (Jn. 8:12; 9:5) Chris Altrock, March 4

On Sunday morning’s we are exploring seven statements from Jesus, about Jesus which are recorded in John’s Gospel.  They all begin with the words “I am.”  We call them the “I Am” statements.  The series is called “Slice” because we so often just want a slice of Jesus with the rest of our life.  But in these “I Am” statements, Jesus shows us what it would be like to have all of Jesus; to let Jesus truly be our life.  This morning’s “I am” statement comes from John 8 and John 9.  Jesus claims to be “the light of the world.”  What does this mean?  What kind of light is Jesus?  What does his light enable us to see?Slice: Making Jesus The Light of Your Life (Jn. 8:12; 9:5) Chris Altrock, March 4

Slice: Making Jesus The Bread of Your Life (Jn. 6:35; 6:48) Chris Altrock, February 26, Sunday Morning Message

If you go out to eat at an average restaurant, you’ll find two kinds of dishes.  There are main dishes.  And there side dishes.  I suppose there are times when we choose a restaurant solely because it has our favorite side dish.  For example, you might choose Olive Garden just because you love the bread sticks and the salad.  But most of the time we choose a restaurant because of the main dish.  We are there to eat the entrée.  The side dishes are nice.  But what we hunger for is the main dish.  For many of us, a satisfying meal consists not just of a side dish but of a main dish. We can think about our lives in a similar way.  There are side dishes.  And there are main dishes.  There are things that are not terribly important.  And there are things that are extremely important.  We all have our side dishes and our main dishes in life.  This is even true when it comes to what we would probably call our spiritual life.  Spiritually, some things are more important to us than others.  This morning and in this new series we’re exploring what it might be like to let Jesus be not just a side dish, but the main dish of our lives.  We are exploring what life might be like if didn’t just take a slice of Jesus, but we took all of Jesus.Slice: Making Jesus The Bread of Your Life (Jn. 6:35; 6:48) Chris Altrock, February 26, Sunday Morning Message

The Problem of Hell: Hell is Overcrowded Chris Altrock, February 19

Timothy Keller preaches in New York City.  He shares the story of a young man who visited his church office.[1] The man was an Ivy League MBA, successful in the financial world, and had lived in three countries.  Though raised in a family with a loose connection to church, he had very little understanding of the Christian faith.  But he had recently developed a great spiritual interest.  He had attended the church where Keller preaches and he told Keller he was almost ready to embrace the Christian faith.  But there was one final obstacle:  ‘You’ve said that if we do not believe in Christ we are lost and condemned. I’m sorry, I just cannot buy that. I work with some fine people who are Muslim, Jewish, or agnostic. I cannot believe they are going to hell just because they don’t believe in Jesus.’”The Problem of Hell: Hell is Overcrowded Chris Altrock, February 19

The Problem of Hell: Hell is Unrelenting (Matt. 25:45-46)

I know a family who once sent their child to time-out.  The elementary-aged son dutifully retreated to his room.  Normally, his time-outs last about 15 minutes or so.  But the mom and dad got busy.  They failed to release him after the normal 15 minutes.  15 minutes turned into 30.  30 turned into 45.  45 turned into 60.  The parents actually forgot about the son altogether.  Eventually, the son poked his head out of his room and asked, “Can I come out?”  What was supposed to have been a time out of a few minutes became a one-hour prison sentence.  And that event raises an important question: When does the punishment exceed the crime?  Clearly, in this case, the punishment had done just that.The Problem of Hell: Hell is Unrelenting (Matt. 25:45-46)