Living By the Prayer Jesus Died By: A Prayer of Our Praise (Ps. 31:19-24)

Author John Ortberg presents the following scenarios:[1]
“At a tollbooth, the driver of the car in front of you is having an extended conversation with the tollbooth operator. You…
- A. Are happy they are experiencing the tollbooth in community. You think about joining them and forming a small group.
- B. Dream of things you would like to say to the tollbooth operator.
- C. Attempt to drive your vehicle between the other guy’s car and the tollbooth.
You have been sitting in the waiting room of your doctor’s office for an hour. You…
- A. Are grateful for the chance to catch up on the 1993 Reader’s Digest.
- B. Tell the other patients you have a highly contagious and fatal disease, hoping this will empty the waiting room.
- Force yourself to hyperventilate to get immediate attention.”
Living By the Prayer Jesus Died By: A Prayer of Our Praise (Ps. 31:19-24)