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Saving Grace: Leaders of Grace (Titus 1) Feb. 17, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message


For years visitors to Memphis have been welcomed by a variety of signs.  All of these welcome signs focus on the strengths of Memphis or Tennessee.

  • For example, there’s the sign on the bridge leading drivers from Arkansas to downtown Memphis which says, “Tennessee The Volunteer State Welcomes You.” The sign boasts that that Tennessee is the “volunteer state,” a place where people sacrifice and sign up to defend the country and help one another.
  • In various places around Memphis, there have been signs that say, “Welcome to Memphis, America’s Distribution Center.”  These signs highlight the fact that Memphis provides businesses great access to the rest of the country.
  • And for years at the edge of the Mississippi River visitors to Memphis were greeted by a sign which stated “Memphis, home of the blues, birthplace of rock and roll.”  The sign drew attention to the fact that Memphis has a rich and historic music culture.Saving Grace: Leaders of Grace (Titus 1) Feb. 17, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Repressive Regarding Same-Sex Attraction (Rom. 1:16-32) Feb. 3, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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This morning and next Sunday morning are part of a focus entitled “Christians and Same-Sex Attraction.”  The sermons today by me and next Sunday by Eric will provide a Christian perspective on same-sex attraction and same-sex relationships.  In addition, we’ll be hearing from Highland’s Dr. Allen Black—Professor of New Testament at Harding School of Theology—and Dr. Sally Gary—Director of Center Peace, a nonprofit that provides support for people who experience same-sex attraction.  This Saturday Highland leaders are gathering with Allen and Sally for a session.  Next Sunday Allen and Sally will offer an opt-in Sunday School session in the Life Center.Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Repressive Regarding Same-Sex Attraction (Rom. 1:16-32) Feb. 3, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Shallow (Mk. 10:17-22) January 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message


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A non-Christian acquaintance of mine named Rob once shared with me the story of an event which caused him to walk away from Christianity.  Rob served on the finance committee of a Methodist church.  One of the missionaries of that church had to come back to the United States before his prescribed time. The committee had to determine what to do with the remaining money which had been allotted to that mission.  Rob suggested that they use it to support another missionary.  Other members of the committee scoffed at the idea.  They had other uses in mind for the money.  Some of them were very rude to Rob.  And Rob said to me, “Christians love to talk about ‘agape,’ but they don’t live it.”  That event marked Rob’s separation from church.  He told me “Power, not love, drives the church.” Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Shallow (Mk. 10:17-22) January 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Doubtless (1 Cor. 13, 15) January 13, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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Ricky Gervais is a well-known comedian. Raised as a Christian, he is now an atheist. A couple of years ago, in an interview, Gervais shared how his journey from faith to faithlessness began. He said, “I used to believe in God. The Christian one that is. I loved Jesus. He was my hero…I went to church and believed in God.” One day at the kitchen table, Gervais was drawing a picture of Jesus. His older brother Bob, 19, walked into the kitchen. And Bob asked his mom a question: “Why do you believe in God?” Bob didn’t mean anything bad by the question. He just honestly wanted to know. Were there good reasons for believing in God? Why should he believe in God? Their mother, however, responded negatively. “Bob,” she said, “shut up.” And Gervais, the younger brother whose hero was Jesus and who believed in God, was shaken by the exchange. Did Bob or their mother know something he didn’t? Maybe there was no God. Maybe there were no good reasons for believing in God. And that mini-crisis of faith began a journey that led Gervais away from faith.Fault Lines: The Fault Line of Being Doubtless (1 Cor. 13, 15) January 13, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message