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Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Intercession That Can Revolutionize Your Life Sept. 15, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

10 Minute Transformation Title
This morning we finish up our Ten Minute Transformation series. I want to encourage you to follow up on the series in two ways. First, consider purchasing a copy of the book which inspired the series. It’s called “Ten Minute Transformation.” It will be available in just a few weeks. You can preorder it online for 20% off. In addition, we’ll have copies for sale in The Commons in just a few weeks.
Second, consider participating in a TMT group. These are small groups of 3-6 people who will commit to two things. First they will commit to following the 40 day journey outlined in the book Ten Minute Transformation. They will do this by reading and putting into practice one chapter of that book each day for 40 days. These chapters lead group members to experience 12 spiritual practices which take ten minutes or less. Each spiritual practice empowers group members to live out one part of the Sermon on the Mount and experience transformation in their walk with God, relationships with others and use of their possessions.Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Intercession That Can Revolutionize Your Life Sept. 15, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Lectio Divina That Can Revolutionize Your Life (Matt. 5) September 8, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

10 Minute Transformation Title

N. T. Wright (After You Believe) tells of his friend James. James had recently come to believe that Jesus was more than just a man. James came to believe that Jesus was God’s son and that he had died on the cross for the sins of humans. But after the initial euphoria of his conversion to Christ faded, James asked Wright: “Isn’t there anything else that happens after you believe and before you finally die and go to heaven?” Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Lectio Divina That Can Revolutionize Your Life (Matt. 5) September 8, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Examen That Can Revolutionize Your Life August 25, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

10 Minute Transformation Title











I’d like to share some photographs with you as I begin my message. I recently went on a journey and I recorded what I saw:

  1. On my journey I saw the famous Hollywood sign:
  2. On my journey I saw some graffiti:
  3. On my journey I noticed a bulldozer:
  4. And on my journey I visited a toy store:

There’s nothing special about those photographs. Seems like my journey was pretty boring. But let’s take a second look. In each of these photos there is something significant we may have missed. There’s a person present. His name is Liu Bolin. He’s an Asian artist. And he’s become known for these series of photos called “Hiding.” Let’s take a second look at my journey:Ten Minute Transformation: Ten Minutes of Examen That Can Revolutionize Your Life August 25, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Follow: Six Hours That Changed The World (Mark 15) Chris Altrock


My family and I were in New York City last fall.  And we were granted amazing access to some very famous people. Jordan got to snuggle up with Robert Pattison of the “Twilight” movies.  Kendra got to say “hello” to Al Rocher and Matt Lauer of the Today Show.  Jacob got a shot with movie actor Nicolas Cage.  And I got to toss the pigskin around with Eli Manning, quarterback for the New York Giants.  Follow: Six Hours That Changed The World (Mark 15) Chris Altrock