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A Greater Gospel (1 Cor. 15)


You may remember that Eric and I began 2013 at Highland with a series about challenges facing the American church. The series was called “Fault Lines.” We took up some of the latest studies detailing how the church in America is losing its impact and influence. Scores of books and articles are being published about this loss of impact and influence.
I was reminded about this a few months ago when I hosted an event for a ministry called Mission Alive. We reported these sober findings: 4,000 churches will close this year; and only 2.3% of churches are growing thru conversion. There’s little doubt that the church in America is losing its impact and influence.
The question is: what do we do about it? How can the church regain its influence and impact in the world? What is the solution?A Greater Gospel (1 Cor. 15)

Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Plans Seem too Hidden (Gen. 37-50) November 3, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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In 2007, Sonny Perdue, the governor of Georgia declared a state of emergency for the Northern part of Georgia. A drought hit Georgia harder than it had in decades. Rivers had become tiny little streams and lakes were at historic lows. This drought was affecting the lives of millions of people. The Governor appealed to the President, asking him to declare the drought as a major disaster so Georgia could receive federal aid.
At the end of Genesis 41 we read about a similar disaster. The Famine spread over all of Egypt and as verse 57 says, “over all the earth.” In this state of emergency the world turned to one man to care for them, and that man was Joseph. Joseph was responsible for the distribution and sale of grain and he personally oversaw the whole project. Chris and I want to tell you his story. It’s found in Gen. 37-50. We’re going to summarize it with 6 words.
One day, something familiar caught Joseph’s eye. As he looked closely he realized that his brothers had come to collect grain for their families. After a series of “tests”, Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers and tells them of God’s provision. He says, “God sent me before you to preserve life. 6 For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvest. 7 And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors.” (Gen 45:5b-8). The rest of Joseph’s story is tied up with a bow, where there was separation, now there was a united family. Where there was danger, now there was safety. Where there was plight, there was now provision and it was all because Joseph was Pharaoh’s second in-command.Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Plans Seem too Hidden (Gen. 37-50) November 3, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Promises Seem Too Empty (Gen. 15) October 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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Good morning. I hate to ask you this, but would you mind waiting just a moment? Before I preach, I need to do something. So I’m going to have to ask you to wait while I do it.
You see, I just remembered that tomorrow is the birthday of a good friend. And I need to get something in the mail to my friend. I’m afraid if I don’t do it right now, I’ll forget to do it tomorrow. So, I’m going to use my phone to order a present for my friend. I’m going to open my app. Raise your hand if you’ve ever ordered anything from Stories From Sunday School: God’s Promises Seem Too Empty (Gen. 15) October 20, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Punishment Seems Too Excessive (Gen. 6) September 29, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message

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In 2004 the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” predicted dire consequences that would devastate our planet because of climate change. One of the movie posters showed an image of New York City being submerged by a rising ocean.  Millions of people are trapped in a watery grave. It’s a frightening image.
In 2012 the movie “2012” explored how the world might end if ancient Mayan calendars, supposedly predicting the end of the world in 2012, turned out to be accurate. One of the movie posters showed the scene of a flood so epic that the water slid over the top of the Himalaya Mountains. It’s a horrifying image.
But we don’t need Hollywood to generate our fear floods. We’ve witnessed events just as horrifying in real life. In 2004 the Indian Ocean Tsunami slammed into cities and villages near the Indian Ocean. The water killed 230,000 people in 14 countries. Waves nearly 100 feet high hit coastal communities.
Then in 2011 the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami pummeled Japan. Waves reached heights of over 100 feet and travelled as far as 6 miles inland. More than 16,000 people died in the disaster.
The emotions and feelings we experience as we witness these scenes and remember these calamities are the same ones we should experience as we read the biblical account of the Flood recorded in Genesis. Scary Stories From Sunday School: God’s Punishment Seems Too Excessive (Gen. 6) September 29, 2013 – Sunday Morning Message