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Alien Ethics: Be Content (Heb. 13:5) Chris Altrock July 27, 2014

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My mother recently visited me and my family in Memphis. While she was here, I took her to the Memphis Botanic Garden.  I’ve spent a lot of time there in the past. Last summer I visited the Garden almost every day for thirty days. Many things caught my attention during those visits. One of them was the grounds crew. I often arrived at the Garden in the morning and the grounds crew was already hard at work.Alien Ethics: Be Content (Heb. 13:5) Chris Altrock July 27, 2014

The Truth About Life: God is a Party (Theology) Chris Altrock May 25, 2014

Truth About Life

Several weeks ago I was rudely awakened very early on a Monday morning. My alarm wasn’t to blame. My kids weren’t to blame. My pets weren’t to blame. My stomach was to blame. It wanted to turn inside out and wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer. I believed that I had come down with a stomach bug. And it would run its course. No need to call a doctor. So I stayed home from work.The Truth About Life: God is a Party (Theology) Chris Altrock May 25, 2014

Mobile: The Ends of the Earth (Acts 1)

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A few weeks ago I had coffee with a man named Jim. Jim is a young married man with two kids. He is finishing up his PhD in apologetics. Apologetics is the study of the reasons why people believe in God. Jim has focused his research on young adults, also called Millennials.

Jim and I ended up talking about one of the major obstacles keeping Millennials from following Christ. What is that obstacle? It is the church. Millennials have become infamous for saying things like “Give me Jesus but not the church.”Mobile: The Ends of the Earth (Acts 1)