Monday Morning Faith: Making Work Matter (Gen. 1-3) September 28, 2014 Chris Altrock

We know that “here” is just one of the many places you spend your time. That’s why we’re focusing the series that begins today on “Monday Morning Faith.” We want to equip you to live out your faith in all the places you spend time in, not just this place.
Today, we want to focus on equipping you to live out your faith at work. Why? Because work is the place where many of us spend most of our time. When Americans are asked to list where they spend time, here’s what they say:
- Church-6% of our time
- With Friends-7% of our time
- Personal Time-16% of our time
- With Family-35% of our time
- Work-36% of our time
It’s probably not a surprise that many spend the bulk of their time at work. Work is a big part of life.Monday Morning Faith: Making Work Matter (Gen. 1-3) September 28, 2014 Chris Altrock