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Monday Morning Faith: Making Work Matter (Gen. 1-3) September 28, 2014 Chris Altrock

MondayMorningFaith_title 2We’re very glad that you are here today.

We know that “here” is just one of the many places you spend your time. That’s why we’re focusing the series that begins today on “Monday Morning Faith.” We want to equip you to live out your faith in all the places you spend time in, not just this place.

Today, we want to focus on equipping you to live out your faith at work. Why? Because work is the place where many of us spend most of our time. When Americans are asked to list where they spend time, here’s what they say:

  • Church-6% of our time
  • With Friends-7% of our time
  • Personal Time-16% of our time
  • With Family-35% of our time
  • Work-36% of our time

It’s probably not a surprise that many spend the bulk of their time at work. Work is a big part of life.Monday Morning Faith: Making Work Matter (Gen. 1-3) September 28, 2014 Chris Altrock

Circles and Rows: A Call For Corporate Worship (Psalm 95) Chris Altrock 9/7/14


When I was a college student at New Mexico State University, I also worked as an intern in a campus ministry. One summer our campus minister had to leave town for a couple of weeks.  He left me in charge. Gave me the keys to his office. Told me to run the show. I loved it. I could do what I wanted.

But I didn’t realize that with great power….that’s right, comes great responsibility. Being in charge can be fun. But it can also be frustrating. Like the day I had to talk to two college students about worship. Both of them had stopped attending our church’s worship services. And with the campus minister out, it was up to me to address the infraction. The conversation was dismal. This was back in the late 1980’s. But even then there were seeds of the now popular “give me Jesus but not the church” kind of mentality. Both college students explained that they loved God. Read Scripture. Prayed. But they didn’t see the big deal about attending worship services. So they stopped coming. And my conversation did nothing to change their minds.Circles and Rows: A Call For Corporate Worship (Psalm 95) Chris Altrock 9/7/14

Circles: Authenticity-Partners in Pain (Matt. 26:36-46) Chris Altrock August 24, 2014

Circles&Rows_thumbA few weeks ago I was in a waiting room at St. Jude hospital. Several Highland members and I were waiting with the Head family as their daughter Carson underwent her second lung surgery. Our large group of pink-shirted people filled the tiny waiting room, with the exception of a few seats.

Two of those remaining seats were filled with a couple from Tulsa, OK. Four years earlier they had lived in the Target House in Memphis for a year while their then thirteen-year-old son underwent seven surgeries for a brain tumor. St. Jude doctors warned the parents that their son Isaac would likely be mentally impaired from the surgeries. They cautioned that Isaac might never walk again. But miraculously, Isaac came through the surgeries with great success. The surgery and treatment completely removed the cancer. And the only significant impact was the paralysis of the left side of this face. The couple was back in Memphis so St. Jude doctors could bring those dead nerves in Isaac’s face back to life.Circles: Authenticity-Partners in Pain (Matt. 26:36-46) Chris Altrock August 24, 2014

Circles and Rows: Connecting to the Spokes (Luke 6:12-19) Chris Altrock 8/10/14


Like some others at Highland, our family has been busy filling out college applications. Our daughter Jordan has one year left at Bartlett High. Thus we’ve been busy preparing for that next step of college. In many ways, the college applications as well as the visits to the college campuses help raise a very important question: What do you want to do with your life? What goal are you hoping college will help you achieve? What do you want to do with the rest of your life?Circles and Rows: Connecting to the Spokes (Luke 6:12-19) Chris Altrock 8/10/14