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Monday Morning Faith: A Double Take on Technology (Matt. 6:22-23) Chris Altrock – 10/25/15

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Geico is an insurance company. Europe is a 1980’s rock band. They’ve been brought together in this popular commercial: (

I started with this video because this morning’s message begins with some thoughts about 1980’s rock bands like Europe. I was a teenager in the 1980’s. I collected music from 1980’s rock bands and rock groups. I had dozens of their cassettes (for those of you who are too young to know what cassettes are, cassettes are what we played music on before the invention of CD’s; for those of you who are too young to know what CD’s are, CD’s are what we played music on before the invention of mp3 files and other digital forms of music).  1980’s music was the soundtrack to my teenage years. Raise your hand if you appreciate 1980’s music…

Monday Morning Faith: A Double Take on Technology (Matt. 6:22-23) Chris Altrock – 10/25/15

Monday Morning Faith: A Call for Injustice (Matt. 20:1-16) Chris Altrock – 10/11/15

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At the end of September, the C?ommercial Appeal?reported on crime statistics in Memphis. They compared 2014 to 2013. [h?ttp:// memphis-in-2014-trending-down-in-2015-20e7864a-ebfe-6147-e053-0100007f50 0c-330019811.html]?T?he following numbers were especially troubling:Monday Morning Faith: A Call for Injustice (Matt. 20:1-16) Chris Altrock – 10/11/15

Monday Morning Faith: Unleashing Love (Luke 10:25-37) Chris Altrock – 9/20/15

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A few years ago I spent time with a non Christian man named Lloyd. I met him through a Highland member whom he was dating. Lloyd was a good doctor and he was using his talents and resources to bless people inside the hospital where he worked and outside the hospital where he lived. He did not attend church anywhere. So I invited him to attend church at Highland. Lloyd came for a few Sundays and we spent some time during the weekdays talking about his faith and mine.

Our relationship and conversations grew to the point that I felt safe in asking Lloyd if he would like to study the Bible. I remember the phone call during which I asked him that question. Lloyd had just purchased an old home in Midtown and he was renovating it. I asked Lloyd if he would be interested in coming to the church building and studying the Gospel of Mark with me later that week. And I remember his answer: “No, but if you’d like to grab a hammer and help me with this renovation I would love to spend time with you.” To this day I regret that I hung up the phone and did not pick up a hammer.Monday Morning Faith: Unleashing Love (Luke 10:25-37) Chris Altrock – 9/20/15

Present: Experiencing the Joy of God’s Presence in Sacred Places (Ps. 63) Chris Altrock – 8/23/15


Two weeks ago I began this series by exploring a statement of David’s in Ps. 16:

in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Ps. 16:11 ESV)

David connects the two topics which stand at the center of this series: God’s presence and our joy. When we experience God’s presence we experience a fullness of joy. One of the reasons why it’s important for us to think about how we connect with the presence of God is that God’s presence is a source of great joy. There are many things in life that can bring us joy. But our fullest experience of joy comes about by connecting with the presence of God.Present: Experiencing the Joy of God’s Presence in Sacred Places (Ps. 63) Chris Altrock – 8/23/15